Download Buku Membongkar Gurita Cikeas

Download Buku Membongkar Gurita Cikeas menjadi alternatif masyarakat untuk mendapatkan buku karangan George J Aditjondro yang sulit didapatkan di toko buku bahkan toko buku besar sekalipun, hilangnya Buku Membongkar Gurita Cikeas ini menjadi topik susulan setelah fenomena terbitnya buku itu sendiri. Sampai saat ini penyebab hilangnya buku ini dari pasaran masih menjadi tanda tanya besar di masyarakat luas.

Sungguh misterius memang hilangnya buku ini dari peredaran namun ada peristiwa unik dibalik sulitnya buku ini diperoleh dipasaran, seperti diinformasikan media televisi di semarang ada penjajak buku keliling menawarkan buku ini di gedung DPRD :) hmm apa ini sebuah permainan atau dagelankah? ya atau tidak yang jelas download buku membongkar gurita cikeas akan menjadi alternatif yang mudah untuk didapatkan di media maya, silahkan anda cari di mesin pencari dan minta sama yang nomer satu dihalaman mesin pencari sumber unduhnya :lol:


Buku Membongkar Gurita Cikeas

Beberapa hari ini buku membongkar gurita cikeas menjadi sorotan paling panas di berbagai media, bagaimana tidak buku karya George J Aditjondro ini berisikan tentang kaitannya lingkaran Cikeas dengan skandal dana Bank Century dan sangat jelas nampak dari judul buku membongkar gurita cikeas ini yang memang mengusung nama Cikeas, tidak bisa dipungkiri lagi tujuan utama pasti lingkungan presiden SBY yang kemudian dengan skandal dana gaib dan juga dana kampanye SBY beberapa waktu silam.

Terlepas dari benar atau tidaknya hal yang ditulis oleh george dalam buku setebal 138 halaman ini jelas mengundang banyak perdebatan di sana-sini dengan nada yang berbeda, ada yang kontra dan ada juga yang pro. Namun tidak sedikit kalangan yang menganggap buku ini hanya sebuah fitnah dan sampah belaka karena hanya berisikan data sekunder yang layaknya seperti kliping. Apa benar demikian? mengingat saya belum begitu banyak mendapatkan informasi maka saya tidak berani untuk menulis panjang lebar tentang buku ini dan saatnya saya kembali mencari referensi lebih banyak, syukur-syukur saya bisa mendapatkan buku gratisnya :)


Kalender 2010

Hasil generate query kalender 2010 di mesin pencari mencapai 329.000.000 dengan menggunakan string query standard melalui browser firefox. Result ini cukup signifikan menjelang pergantian tahun 2009 menuju 2010 yang hanya tinggal beberapa hari lagi. Untuk kata kunci kalender 2010 ini memang masih rolling cukup lama dan kata kunci ini saya yakini akan terus bergulir hingga sampai sekitar bulan maret 2010, ini hanya prediksi orang konyol seperti saya yang sok tau padahal gak tau banyak :)

Berbeda dengan hasil generate kata kunci sms tahun baru 2010 yang paling hanya bergulir sampai dengan beberapa hari setelah pergantian tahun saja. Untuk kalender sendiri nilai ini akan terus bertambah dan bertambah terlepas dari google dance yang akan menggoyang ditambah dengan penerapan google caffein yang menurut informasi akan benar-benar diterapkan setelah natal kemarin, lalu apakah sekarang telah benar-benar diterapkan? well hal ini hanya diketahui oleh google dan staffnya saja saya kira.


Hasil Pencarian SMS Tahun Baru 2010

Di SERP's hasil pencarian kata kunci sms tahun baru 2010 mencapai 326.000, hasil ini saya capture sesaat sebelum saya menuliskan coretan ini. Hasil ini tidak mutlak dan mungkin beberapa jam atau hari kedepan bisa saja berkurang atau bertambah karena seperti kita ketahui hasil algoritma google akan selalu bergerak dan berubah tergantung mood si botsnya. Kata kunci sms tahun baru 2010 merupakan salah satu kata kunci yang top bgt skl di akhir tahun dan ini selalu berulang setiap tahunnya menjadi sebuah tradisi bidikan bagi antusias SEO.

Banyak rekan-rekan blogger mengandalkan kata kunci ini dan menjadikannya target bidikan dengan berbagai tujuan, salah satunya adalah melangsingkan alexa rank, ya secara otomatis ketika visitor banyak datang dari mesin pencari tentunya secara romantis akan memperkecil digit alexa. Apakah anda ikut membidik sms tahun baru 2010 ini? selamat mencoba sob semoga beruntung dan menjaring visitor :lol:


Rin Sakuragi Telanjang di Film Suster Keramas

Film Suster Keramas adalah sebuah film horor komedi yang diboyong oleh maxima pictures yang sebelumnya gagal memboyong Miyabi Maria Ozawa berperan dalam Film Menculik Miyabi, gagal memboyong bintang film bokep miyabi kini maxima membopong bintang film porno asal jepang bernama Rin Sakuragi yang memang cantik dan menurut kabar sangat cantik dalam  beberapa episode film bokep rin sakuragi (I never watching this). Kali ini sebetulnya bukan akan membahas bagaimana film bokep atau porno ataupun adegan rin sakuragi bugil di suster keramas namun hanya mencoba kata kunci yang sebetulnya sudah basi tapi masih layak untuk dijadikan seo kuliner :lol:

Di dalam mesin pencari tertera banyak sekali result dengan kata kunci Suster Keramas, di target kata kunci seperti ini biasanya memang yang muncul di halaman pertama adalah para pemain lama sementara itu para pemain baru disibukan dengan kejar tayang kata kunci kontes xixixi. Coy ada yang minat ngunduh video adegan telanjang rin sakuragi di suster keramas? no no no jangan coba-coba cari disini coy, noh cari disana di situs bokep ngetop :lol:


Festival Museum Nusantara Timor-Timur

Festival Museum Nusantara Timor-Timur adalah kata kunci unik untuk kontes seo Festival baru maksdunya baru saya tulis di sini dengan maksud untuk sundul-sundulan turut serta mempromosikan dan meningkatkan minat berkunjung ke Museum yang memang sepertinya sudah jarang sekali diminati oleh generasi muda Nusantara, nah maka dari itu saya sangat mendukung dengan adanya Festival Museum Nusantara Timor-Timur ini. Inilah langkah yang seharusnya telah diterapkan dari beberapa tahun lalu dimana memang kata Museum saja sudah jarang diekspose bahkan mungkin anak-anak pun sangat tidak familief dengan kata ini.

So semoga dengan diadakannya Festival ini minat kaum muda Nusantara untuk mengunjungi tempat-tempat yang penuh dengan budaya dan sejarah ini meningkat, sudah sepantasnya memupuk jiwa nasionalisme sedari dini dan ditanamkan kepada anak-anak yang notabene penerus bangsa contohnya mengenang Timor-Timur, ya setidaknya dengan berkunjung ke Museum dan dengan gaung kata kunci Festival Museum Nusantara generasi penerus kita dapat mengenal lebih budaya dan sejarah yang terkandung di bumi pertiwi ini, di tanah Nusantara ini.

Yuk kita ke Museum!!!!

» Read More... Lifestyle On The Net SEO Test

Di postingan yang lagi acak2an seperti biasanya ini akan sedikit mencoba berakselerasi dengan formula yang belum saya coba sebelumnya, kali ini target masih sama yaitu lifestyle on the net seo test yang sudah mulai hangat digoyang para partisipan seo tanah air, beberapa sobat sayapun terlihat mulai metakeun ajian meraga sukma tur ngetrukeun jampe pelet pamake lifestyle on the net. Di halaman result pasti akan mulai ramai soalnya satu kontes telah berakhir dan itu berarti para kurawa akan mulai banting setir ke KW yang lain yang masih menyisakan hingar bingar.

Lagi-lagi saya hanya mencoba melatih kemempuan newbie saya dengan bantuan beberapa master seo yang sudi membimbing saya namun yang saya lakukan sekarang adalah mencoba formulasi yang sama sekalli bagi saya baru but sorry saya belum bisa jelasin di sini hehehe, malu newbie masa jelasin masalah formulasi lifestyle on the net seo test ini. Target saya di kontes ini masih bukan hadiah ataupun kemenangan meski saya butuh hadiah itu heeh but tetep yang jelas adalah inti pelajaran yang mungkin suatu saat akan menjadi penopang hidup, halah lebay :)


Mengembalikan Jati Diri Bangsa Dengan Secangkir Kopi

Ini adalah hari terakhir optimasi kontes seo Mengembalikan Jati Diri Bangsa yang sangat melelahkan para partisipan terlebih di minggu-minggu terakhir dan yang pasti hari ini adalah puncak optimasi mati-matian yang dilakukan semua partisipan untuk memperoleh posisi yang layak di lintasan jalur licin dan menikung. Kontes mengembalikan jati diri bangsa jelas sebuah kontes seo yang luar biasa, 5 bulan melakukan optimasi bukan merupakan hal yang mudah ya meski beberapa partisipan nampak baru tancap gas di lintasan menjelang finish.

Semua hal bisa saja terjadi, keseimbangan dalam optimasi mutlak hal yang harus diperhatikan, mau ataupun tidak mau. Hari ini setelah mendukung master matt khai, kali ini saya sedikit memberikan sokongan BL buat master kopitozie di lintasan akhir, tidak ada maksud apapun selain memasukan halaman sobat yang satu itu ke halaman 1 SERP's setelah itu kita minum kopi, tak ada kopi luak pun tak masalah hehehe, maaf jika halaman ini gagal terindex but semoga saja dapat dengan cepat terindex.


Domain Gratis Dari Eu.Tv

Satu lagi domain gratis yang bisa dan layak dicoba sebagai domain blog atau website anda, memprovide free domain untuk para pengguna internet secara gratis. Mungkin domain ini bukanlah domain baru namun demikian tak ada salahnya saya bagi-bagi di beberapa blog sebagai bahan referensi bagi yang membutukan. Domain ini bisa dipakai sebagai redirection url ataupun custom dns dan juga cname.

Sama seperti halnya domain gratis yang lain masa berlakunya satu tahun dan setelah satu tahun kita diharuskan renewal alias memperpanjang klaim url kita untuk dapat dipergunakan dan jika tidak direnewal mungkin status kepemilikan tidak menutup kemungkinan akan digunakan orang lain. Domain ini dapat kita pakai untuk mesin blogspot juga loh, untuk informasi lebih lengkap bisa cek tkp di atau bisa melalui blog tetangga yang ngebahas domain gratis ini.


SMS Ucapan Tahun Baru

Beberapa hari kebelakang saya bahkan sampai saat ini saya sedang mencari referensi sms ucapan tahun baru dalam rangka menyambut tahun baru 2010, soalnya beberapa teman di messengger minta, katanya sih untuk koleksi biar nanti pada saatnya tiba mereka gak perlu lagi nyari. Sebetulnya di blog bayi saya ada sedikit referensi namun yang sempat saya dapatkan hanya sms ucapan dengan bahasa inggris sedangkan banyak temen saya yang minta pake bahasa Indonesia.

Yesterday, everybody smoked his last cigar, took his last drink and
swore his last oath.  Today, we are a pious and exemplary community. 
Thirty days from now, we shall have cast our reformation to the winds
and gone to cutting our ancient shortcomings considerably shorter than

For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning.

Nah mungkin itu salah satu dua sms yang terhimpun di kumpulan sms ucapan tahun baru di blog sebelah, but kalo ada yang membutuhkan reference sms ucapan nyang pake bahasa araringgis disana ada dan masih tergabung dalam kumpulan sms ucapan tahun baru tidak lengkap but lagi-lagi just check it out euy kalo ada yang ngebutuhin, eit kalo ada yang punya sms bahasa ucapan tahun baru dengan bahasa indonesia komen aja keys :)


Mengembalikan Jati Diri Bangsa Minggu Terakhir

Mengembalikan Jati Diri Bangsa memang kontes SEO yang sangat melelahkan, bagaimana tidak kontes ini hampir memakan waktu setengah tahun dan saya rasa ini kontes paling lama di dunia (kali) dimana selama 5 bulan partisipan terus-menerus melakukan optimasi dengan kata kunci yang sama, ya Mengembalikan jati Diri Bangsa selain melelahkan tentunya sangat menyita waktu bagi mereka para partisipan. Satu hal yang biasa terjadi yaitu termakan kejenuhan, jelas dengan waktu selama itu wajar sekali jenuh melanda para peserta la wong bagi saya seminggu saja sudah sangat jenuh untuk menunggu satu kata kunci bisa naek ke peringkat 1000 :)

Lagi-lagi blog ini hanya memberikan sebuah dukungan untuk seorang sahabat SEO yang tengah mengikuti kontes super panjang ini, saya bukan tim sukses namun ini hanya sebuah dukungan dan rasa terima kasih saja untuk master seo dimana beliau telah banyak membantu saya untuk menyembuhkan blog sebelah xixixi. Ayo terus optimalkan optimization kw Mengembalikan Jati Diri Bangsa gan.

Sepertinya terlalu banyak chit-chat di blog ini dan saya rasa untuk kali ini cukup dulu, semoga corat-coret ini cepat terindex oleh mbah google.


Helio Database Error

Dua hari sudah blog yang dipasang di heliohost mengalami hibernasi, bukan mati total namun memang karena free hosting tersebut sering terkena hacking so mungkin sedikit banyak berpengaruh pada kinerja database server, 2 subdomain andalan tempat saya gebug-menggebug mati namun main blog yang isinya gathering post masih bisa diakses. News Okeboz masih dapat diakses secara direct namun dengan kepincangan disana-sini, ya mungkin itu karena pengaruh koneksi ke database sama sekali tidak baik sehingga membuat beberapa bagian menjadi nampak amburadul dan tidak seperti semestinya.

Kecewa memang karena 2 subdomain tempat curhat saya mati, padahal telah memiliki PR meski alexa sebelas duabelas sama blog dummy lainnya. Perjalanan untuk membantu kang maman mengoptimasi Lifestyle On The Net harus pending, apalagi untuk ngekick Mengembalikan Jati Diri Bangsa yang jelas-jelas padat merayap. Hoam sepertinya harus moving webhost lagi but database 2 subdom itu belum total dibackup karena sama sekali gak bisa masuk cpanel. Sebuah konsekuensi menikmati kopi yang gratisan :)

» Read More... Lifestyle On The Net

Nyoba nulis Lifestyle On The Net pake bahasa Indonesia di sini, malu disindir senior katanya masa Blogger Indonesia blognya banyak yang pake junglish alias jungle english, masa katanya harus pake bahasa inggris hanya karena pengen GAnya nyala xixixi, malu tapi kadung malu sekalian emang ni blog sama sekali gak ada bobotnya, blog yang hanya dipake sundul-sundlan dari awal lahirnya sampai sekarang. Nah untuk itu skarang biar tambah malu saya si tengil ini mencoba menembakan Lifestyle On The Net lewat blog ini, sebuah blog yang alexanya tambah buncit karena jablay dan jarang update.

Untuk menambah rasa malu dan mencoba melangsingkan kembali ranking alexa blog ini saya kali ini memutuskan untuk menggunakan bahasa campuraduk untuk blog ini, kalo bahasa inggris juga toh saya seringnya bingung nulis dan nyari tema yang pas, mau ganti main themes blog kadung jatuh cinta dengan kata begonya..

Owkay mulai hari ini blog ini bakal pake bilingual eh trilingual, yaitu bahasa Indonesia, inggris dan sunda sebagai bahasa untuk menyatakan cinta saya hehe. Menjelang pagi bawaannya emang bego nih. So apa kabar Lifestyle On The Net kali ini? sepertinya para master seo udah banyak yang turun tuh, bolehkah si newbie yang tengil ini ikut tembak-tembakan? :)


Ngobrol Seputar Bisnis Online

Ngobrol Seputar Bisnis Online keywords are hot now, many bloggers talking about this keyword. But I write Ngobrol Seputar Bisnis Online here again just to support the newbie blogger page just born into this virtual world. I do not know if this will encourage the page or not, but what is clear I will continue to support these pages, now or never. Maybe out there a lot of seo masters who also do this but the key word there is nothing wrong if I'm stealing this keyword by using this blog as a foundation. Online business is very interesting sometimes to be discussed, whether pro or contradiction. With so many online business that makes me interested is the PTR where I can practice my english.

In the online business is there are so many types and varieties that can be tried by us, but it all depends on how we try to stay serious and consistent in this business. Many people who fail in this business because they could not afford to shocks and existing obstacles to survive. Online business certainly is not easy, though the easy, but very difficult to do, especially for newbie bloggers like me. But just keep the spirit...


SEO Big Deal

Belajar SEO WordPress (WordPress SEO Learning) perhaps need some extra attention for newbie blogger like me but it it a consequences to handle and face the effect, whatever it good or bad. But in fact every body do on page and off page optimization to handle and keep result page on the good track. Whoa sometimes it takes time a lot  for blog sampah of course it more time consuming than it SERP's position, you need to working hard if you would beat the search engine especialy for SEO contest's keyphrase. But what I do right now is just continuing SEO Pingback a couple a days ago to build and get some fresh air to breathe.

Even it was and still so hard but I must fix some error on page (not this blog), tryin to clean up the messy codes on page and tryin with new themes with valid xhtml and css on it. Today my blog little bit up but still need a million fresh backlink to picking up the page with new title. Well I hope for a couple next days my page will back on track even I still do some belajar pingback for it.


Support For Master SEO

In order to give some support again for one of Master SEO who have been fixed his engine today I'd like to give a little support for him as one of his student at Kampus SEO, Im not a good student but this just kinda little gift from me. This is not a SEO Contest but this just my daily notes. Actually Im too lazy now to write some posting and honestly I don't know what should I write here, and even what should I write about Belajar SEO Google.

Its been two days Im so lazy to do some optimization and write some post on dummy blogs, hell right Im to lazy to share anything but what I do is just drink some coffee and enjoy it inside the rain essence, for now I will take some rest for Belajar SEO and stay at the real world :) 


Belajar SEO Pingback

Belajar SEO what is this? humm this just a title with no special meaning but it will be a special means for my other blog, this post is just a little pinging for dyin' blog, I still can't understand what happened to my blog, there is no keyword more. Almost all keyphrase already dead. A couple a days ago Im tryin' to changed the title with Belajar SEO WordPress, its just because that blog used wp for the platform and not because Im a master seo, hue I don't understand anything about what people called SEO. What I do is just give a little support for my self and my dying weblog.

Untill now I still figuring out what realy happened with that blog, even with new title my blog still not indexed by google search engine. Its hard for newbie like me to face this problem, I don't know if this problem arise just because I moved data center from US to Singapore, I don't know.

What I do know is just tryin and tryin to give him some pingback from some my dummy blog


Finally Download Film 2012 Free Links!

Today I just want to give you some extra Download Film 2012, an extra free reference for you to grab the greatest movie ever, just because this movie is so controversial in public oppinion, but this is just a free link for you and I dont wanna discuss about kiamat 2012 theory.

In recent weeks Download Film 2012 become so hot and popular themes to discuss, there is a lot of people discuss about this 2012 movie or even about  the 2012 theory. Will 2012 years become the end of the world? Well its all defend on you but I will discuss here, what I do here right in my post is give you some free links download film 2012 even I’ll not give you directly from here, actually I will give you free link source right through my friends page which contain any free links download film 2012.

I know there is a lot of explaination about the end of the world but this 2012 theory is so fenomenal, this things so attracting people to debate but I don’t intresting with the discuss I’d rather give you some free download links than discuss it. Anyway have you seen the original 2012 dvd? humm unfortunately I just give you this cool free download 2012 links, but its cool anyway, ya at least my friend said so.

Grab the free links download here, feel free to download, it doesn’t take cost anything. Have a nice day :D


Mengembalikan Jati Diri Bangsa

Well this is the first time I write about Mengembalikan Jati Diri Bangsa here, I don't join this super hot and long SEO contest, what I do now is just give some little support for one of Master SEO who join this game. I know this support doesn't mean much but actualy this is a truely my deepest little support from me as SEO Newbie. This SEO contest is the longest optimization time ever in world, five month to optimization is not a simply optimization, it takes time and much energy to doing well.

There's a lot of SEO participant here, they also doin' the same thing and have same directions, every participant working hard to get their page into the best SERP's position. Ya maybe my friends right, this is a long way road to heaven :) this is the hotest contest with a lot of participant inside. They dance with google, they sing with google almost every day. What a hardly optimization. Well I thing I have no word for chit-chat right now, finally I just wanna say keep on fighting with Mengembalikan Jati Diri Bangsa :)


Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata Pandeglang Support

Well now I just wanna give a little support for my best brother inside Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang which has a little more time to participant doing optimization and do some scratching for their contest page or post. I hope this post will soon read by the search engine.

Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang was and still hot seo contest in Indonesia, ya I know seo contest exploded in Indonesia and some of Asian country, there’s so much seo contest and there’s a lot of cool reward which attracted seo participant all around the blog. This post is just a support for my brother inside the battle, a little support from this blog and I hope it could be pumping his seo contest post.

Now this contest entering the injury time limit, just a couple a days more to gives participant of this contest to do some optimization, I thing this time is a wrong time if you still do backling building but its not wrong at all if you gives some support for your friends.

This Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang is a tough seo contest after stop dreaming start action ended, there’s a lot of seo participant join forward into this game. Well I thing its enough for me to write this post  today coz still stuck with my silly internet connection.


Mbah Gendeng

I just want to inform a fresh silly SEO Contest with title Mbah Gendeng, I do not join this contest but just bring this news to inform to you all the sites visitor, so put your sitbelt on if you wanna join this game, becarefull dont be Gendeng.

Well yesterday some of my friends inform me about Mbah Gendeng SEO contest, actualy this is another SEO contest held in Indonesia, I don’t know anything about mbah gendeng before, even I never heard about his silly name. Who is he? I don’t know at all but this event held for his bithday anniversary. Cool ha he present a SEO contest for his birthday, anyone ever heard before? I mean similar event with this event in world? no, I never heard before but I don’t know exactly if it was.

In english Gendeng mean crazy, Mbah mean Grandfather so if Im not wrong Mbah Gendeng mean Crazy Grandfather :D just correct me if I do wrong. This contest provide a crazy gift to if you win the serp, $400.000 ups I mean Rp.400.000 whahahahaahha, it doesn’t matter with the price :D for some people maybe SEO contest with big price attracting them to join but for me this silly SEO contest so attracting. No special reasons, just because every time I remember the name I wanna laugh, just because when I see his page he overing batu akik and jimat pengasihan just like vodoo things :D

I thing Mbah Gendeng will be so famous one in this cyber media especialy in serp’s. Wanna join this contest? contact me in shout or comment this post, I’ll be glad to informing you where you can
find the true source :D


Kerja Keras Adalah Energi Kita

Kerja Keras Adalah Energi Kita is a phrase keyword for seo contest held by PT.Pertamina to improve their new spirit, this seo contest still new, in other ways still fresh from the open. Yesterday I decided to participate this contest but not with this blog coz some other reasons, ya last night I decided to join but not yet registered in seo provider website coz I thing I must optimization first before I register. Im still newbie but Im trying and learning to hit em up hehehe nop its so hard but how can we know our seo energy if we dont try and learning.

I don't care my page will win or lose, the main objection is learning, ya seo learning. I dont care if there is a lot of 'Master Seo Indonesia' join this contest, ya it will so hard for me to hit and beat the search engine just because Im a newbie but faith should bring by my hand. Just like the phrase mean we must working hard coz thats the energy. Hehe positive faith and positive improvement for seo learning. Not just only that, Kerja Keras Adalah Energi Kita coud be a strong spirit fo us to handle and working what every thing we want.


Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang

This is the first time I pinned Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang on this blog, this blog does not follow that a hot contest, but to neutralize it, I mean to try to neutralize my other pages because it exposed and contaminated sanbox effects, to restore the condition of my pages it's one way of newbie thing I did was update the contest page, Ichange almost 100% content and do pinging from some new blogs are still fresh, but hmmmm to rise it from the grave dizzy google quicksand very difficult and so heavy, it reflects in some keywords, some die just like kick by 7,6 Richter Scale Earthquake boasted two days ago. Yes it was hard for me who still newbie to return to its original position was.

However, I still tried to Recognize and be friend with words Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang hopefully the next few days to start rocking again on stage, hopefully google dancing not too long and again restore the spirit of 45 hehehe.


OES Tsetnoc, Seo Contest with $1000 Prizes

OES Tsetnoc, this phrase is the world seo contest with prizes $ 1000.00 cash in paypal, but the conditions must get in position # 1 on 15 December, the contest was held from September 10, 2009 to the date of December 15, 2009, well still pretty long time for friends who are interested in seo and interested to increase traffic, especially discouraging rank digit alexa :D maybe still a little early is not too difficult to penetrate hehe according to surveillance from behind a cubicle world was a master seo seo world There is the complete college exam this ever wkekeke good chance weleh ya next month but maybe a different story when the masters were always return to the blog.

For friends that have interested please just play the following url Promojungkie with sorry I did not put directlink so just Copas  (copy n paste) wrote to the browser oks guys. Yes for all of my friends are interested please begin to prepare themselves with OES Tsetnoc do not forget to read the rules and is determined by the committee, yay good fight, hopefully this short post useful.


Dukungan Terakhir Mesin Blogspot Untuk Blog Cantik

Habis kata untuk dua hari ini setelah mengetahui kalo Blog Cantik tersingkir jauh dari serp, mengandalkan hari ini untuk optimasi sepertinya sangat sulit terlebih blog ini tidak terlalu bagus karena memang saya belum merubah tata seo di themes yang dipake Seo Bego. Kontes Seo Stop Dreaming Start Action memang sangat berat karena disana banyak master yang ikut serta meramaikan pesta pora optimasi yang akan berekhir besok, sundulan buat si cantik mungkin sempat menggigit namun terkulai saat ini karena memang jarang diisi. Huh sedikit kecewa juga mengetahui kopitozie menghilang dari peredaran pertarungan seo paling panas. Newbie bego seperti saya hanya bisa bertanya-tanya dengan pertanyaan dan dijawab sendiri dengan pertanyaan juga. Huh gak tau lah yang jelas ini kali terakhir menulis dengan bahasa indonesia lagi disini untuk sedikit membantu si cantik dengan mesin blogspot untuk kembali ke lintasan meski mungkin nampak mustahil, namun saya tetap berusaha membantu. Yow man Stop Dreaming dan tetap jangan ada kata "Saya Mundur". Meski jika besok kenyataannya kalah, harus diakui secara jantan apapun penyebabnya. Semangat terus kawan :)


Rasa Sayang Seo Bego Untuk Sobat Seo

Bagi-bagi link untuk sobat seo bego, ini hanya tulisan harian meneruskan tentang Sundulan Buat Si Cantik Start Action kemarin yang belum kelar, namun sekarang saya hanya lagi pengen menyundul beberapa sobat yang turut bergabung dan berpartisipasi dalam maraknya kontes, tidak hanya Stop Dreaming Start Action namun semuanya, ya semua kontes yang ada di negeri kita tercinta ini. Pertama mungkin untuk sobat saya purwasuka yang turut menggoyang panggung Stop Dreaming Start Action yang mungkin lebih dikenal oleh rekan-rekan sebagai Cubitan Semut Kecil Stop Dreaming Start Action, galak dan sekali di cubit gatalnya brasa kemana-mana, kedua untuk sobat bayi seo dengan Mencari Blogpreneur Sejati hehe siapa sih yang sebenarnya mencari Blogpreneur?

Memang dengan maraknya kontes dansa seo ini menambah blogosphere indonesia semakin panas dan terasa, kegiatan yang positif ketika blog hampir saja mati dikalahkan oleh social media, well yang selanjutnya untuk yang mengusung Kenali dan Kunjungi Objek Wisata di Pandeglang mantap nih soalnya mengusung dunia pariwisata sebuah sundulan terusan dari kontes sebelumnya dengan tema serupa. Hmm nampaknya untuk pagi ini segitu dulu rasa sayange untuk sobat seo soalnya kalo dimuat semua dalam tulisan ini terlalu panas nanti dan malah gak jadi arti sama sekali yang ada malah jadi sampah :D


Sundulan Buat Si Cantik Start Action

Meneruskan catatan harian Daily Stop Dreaming Start Action, kita sudah bisa melihat para racer yang menduduki urutan 10 besar kali ini.

Sepertinya minggu-minggu terakhir ini akan semakin panas membakar kursi yang diperebutkan, meski kita telah melihat siapa yang mungkin menduduki peringkat pertama di Stop Dreaming Start Action namun belum tentu di garis finis tetap dia memimpin, ya tak ayal para pembalap ini belok kanan belok kiri untuk bermanuver Stop Dreaming. Jika anda mengamati racing para racer diantara halaman 2 dan 6 anda pasti tercengang karena justru di posisi itu lah yang sangat terlihat saling salip menyalip dan bukan yang menempati halaman 1, bagaimana tidak sebagian dari racer di halaman 2 dan 6 adalah racer tulang punggung untuk racer-racer di halaman 1. Ya pasti anda terkejut bukan? ya tapi itulah kenyataan di arena balapan Stop Dreaming Start Action yang kian membakar, 1 racer di depan bukan berarti tanpa bantuan racer yang berada di belakang, bahkan racer cadanganpun ikut Start Action siap-siap injak gas untuk pumping bahan bakar di pit stop.

Seru memang arena racing kali ini lebih seru dari even racing lainnya dan juga event racing yang sudah-sudah.


Kontes Mencari Blogpreneur Sejati

Wah ada kontes seo lagi yak? katanya ini khusus newbie nih...

Ya mungkin anda sudah tidak lagi asing dengan kata Mencari Blogpreneur Sejati, banyak  kita temui di website ataupun blog-blog di tanah air kita dari mulai blog formal, blog iklan sampai blog kacang goreng yang ditebar diseluruh penjuru dunia maya. Jangan heran kenapa kata Mencari Blogpreneur Sejati banyak ditemukan, seperti pernah saya katakan Kontes SEO sedang marak di Indonesia. Namun kontes yang satu ini pantas diacungi jempol karna membawa kosakata baru yaitu Blogpreneur yang saya rasa kata ini masih belum ada di dalam kamus bahasa, coba silahkan cek kamus versi terbaru sekalipun :D

Apakah hanya itu yang membuat kontes yang ini patut disimak? ya tentu saja tidak, jika anda mencoba menyelami apa makna dibalik kata kunci Mencari Blogpreneur Sejati pasti anda akan setuju dengan saya, coba saja pecah kata tersebut menjadi Mencari Blogpreneur, Blogpreneur, Blogpreneur Sejati. Ya tentunya setiap orang punya penafsiran berbeda-beda, sangat wajar bila kita berbeda menafsirkan apa dibalik makna Mencari Blogpreneur Sejati.

emang iya ya khusus untuk newbie kayak yang punya blog ini?


Daily Stop Dreaming Start Action

Stop Dreaming Start Action may not weird in our ear late of this month, Stop Dreaming Start Action is a SEO contest held by Mr Joko Susilo, if we observe carefully the SEO contest, this is the most prestigious SEO contest than the two other in Indonesia. At the beginning, Im not too understand SEO and I really do have so enthusiastic to learn this, but after seeing some of any posts in several blogs humm it so attracted me to join. Especially after I try to access the page with keyword Stop Dreaming Start Action, the first time is still less so unrealized but after some time the fact that what my friends say is true ..

a very drastic fluctuations

If you accessing the google SERP, the results of the first page that the entry of big 10, the fluctuation is quite significant. Today the results can change day to day is different-the previous day. Hmm unfortunately I do about this contest in the last laps, can be very late if you want to penetrate in the big 10, but at least I support bloggers to participate in this great contest. In a contest of which there are less and also have a win yet, and whoever the winner is clearly he is eligible to get one. Keep on fighting!, start action! Stop Dreaming Start Action!


WordPress 2.8.4 Security Release

Today WordPress relese a new version, WordpRess 2.8.4. Matt say :

Yesterday a vulnerability was discovered: a specially crafted URL could be requested that would allow an attacker to bypass a security check to verify a user requested a password reset. As a result, the first account without a key in the database (usually the admin account) would have its password reset and a new password would be emailed to the account owner. This doesn’t allow remote access, but it is very annoying.

We fixed this problem last night and have been testing the fixes and looking for other problems since then. Version 2.8.4 which fixes all known problems is now available for download and is highly recommended for all users of WordPress.

Well a great job for WordPress team, fixed the security hole as fast as they can. So to those who using a WordPress as a self-hosted platform, you better hurry up to upgrade as soon as posible to patch the security.

WordPress Version 2.8.4 can be download here 

If you wanna see the WordPress antusias pingback, you can go directly to WordPress Security Relese.

Keep on the good work team :D


Traffic Tactics That Won’t Cost You a Cent

Are you constantly banging your head in frustration on not receiving all the internet traffic you would like to get to your web site? Are you tormented from information overload listening to all the latest free website traffic tactics and not being able to understand any of it? Are you dejected of people trying day and night to harassing you to max out your credit card and get loans for Google clicks, and in the process loose your credit score? Are you stupefied by the way your website just dropped out of the Google search results? Or are you just too broke and all you have to rely on is getting some free website traffic tactics?

You can employ website traffic tactics without spending dime. However, knowing how is the real deal. Here’s the score:

1. Link It

Of all the effective website traffic tactics that can get you best results, linking to and from other websites is the one of the most widely-used method. Just make sure that the Internet business you are exchanging links with is relatively if not utterly related to your own business. And of course, don’t overkill as this might ban you from search engines.

2. Meet Meta Tags

Another way of to acquire your desired traffic for your website is through having your Meta tags contain usually used keywords that target your business. Meta tags help search engines in describing your web page. If you’re quite adept with the HTML aspect of your web pages, manipulating your meta tags would be a breeze.

3. Keyword-rich AND sensible content

Writing or acquiring articles that provide solid information regarding your business is one of the best ways. Making use of free keyword suggestion tools such as Overture will help you on which keyword or phrases to work on to better lead more traffic to your website. Making these write-ups very readable and genuinely informative will make you many repeat visitors to subsequently become repeat clients.

Submitting these articles to various article directory listings will provide more visibility for your business as long as you keep your resource box in tact to create for yourself numerous back links.

These methods, if employed properly, will not only make your web site popular but will make you achieve your most desirable result – higher conversion rate.


Experiment with SEO Contest to buzz a Traffic

A natural way to increase traffic is with join the SEO contest, so is it right? yes so far that I observed, it worked. I have a new blog (not this blog) with fresh and only a few posting, and it evidently correct. No other way to increase traffic such as the submission ways or use the SEO tools. I did this experiment just to prove it, and are evidently correct. From time to register at the first time my experiment blog in page 25 in google page, and after a few months I was running verification work out,my experiment blog up into 15 at pages. Clearly visible with my experiment blog I take 10 page in google crawling page, take up to 10 pages that is not easy if we only rely blogwalking or usual way, the SEO contest that I follow is the special SEO contest with the title Stop Dreaming Start Action that can be spelled out as many special SEO master join this SEO contest.

Now for those of you who may be interested to do the experiment for the natural increasing traffic like me, you can follow my Start Dreaming Stop Action. But what I do is just only an experiment without certain motivation to get the money or the traffic. Yes let's return to the private individual, if we follow this seo contest with motivated things or without it? but if you are serious to do something I suggest to have a highly motivation to win, clearly with this motivation will encouraging our efforts and determine the extent to which we are trying to get the maximum results.

Dood luck for all who join this Stop Dreaming Start Action SEO Contest, and good luck for you to tryin this natural ways to increase and buzz traffic.


Lets blogging, write some post and get paid!

If you have a website or blog and you are sure that your postie are good enough and worthy to read by the public, hmm I thing theres no problem if you try some luck with writing a review. Yes, what you need is just a blog and also your posts. Not too difficult to make a review, we only obey commands from the client and review provider that is facilitated by a review provider. Usually we are commanded to review the product and also the website client. In the case of the provider to write a review usually only accept any posts in the English language only, so your local language may be a bit keep first if you are serious for this opportunity.

Few tips from me, to write review I recommend your blog is a thematic blog, and writing is only focusing on certain topic areas only, this is very easy to attract candidates from our client on our blog content than much of different topic. But if this is only used as side part job only, a daily blog is not a common a problem, as long as we obey the command and the client desires.

Well if you are interested, I have a few reference links that may be used if you are interested to write and get your money through any posts, you can enroll in blogvertise or payperpost. In fact many other, but both provider that is easy to pay and two provide earlier. Try it out before the other provider, if you feel less then you can find other sources for your post review.

Yow... good luck! :D


Everybody Knows that Barack Obama Used Social Media

Barack Obama started using social media and the marketing gurus went
'Oh my God, he's a genius, now all we have to do is use his name to
promote this and voila, clients will be lining up to buy social media marketing
(SMM) services'. Well, it didn't quite happen that way. And the wonderful
case study that was 'Presidential candidate Barack Obama' became a
not-so-active name on various online portals including, Twitter, where from
November 2008 to May 2009, his twitter update has had five posts. Yep, only
five posts in six months.


WordPress 2.8.2

WordPress 2.8.2 fixes an XSS vulnerability. Comment author URLs were
not fully sanitized when displayed in the admin. This could be
exploited to redirect you away from the admin to another site.  Download 2.8.2 or automatically upgrade from the Tools->Upgrade page of your blog’s admin.

For who using wordpress platform for blogging theres a new version
release which is version 2.8.2 and it claimed ready.
You can start to test through your webhosting and it can be download it  here, you also can check the antusias pinging here


SEO gurus have been scratching their heads

Webmasters and SEO gurus have been scratching their heads for a few weeks now trying to figure out what has been happening to Google's SERP rankings. After scouring blogs and forums for the last few days, it would seem that there is no real consensus. In fact, it seems that no one is willing to even speculate much as to what is happening. To date there has not been any official word from Google. We all know that Google does not announce their algorithm updates, much to the chagrin of webmasters everywhere.

The buzz recently on several blogs and from our own data demonstrates significant changes in PageRank and wild fluctuations in websites SERP. The last big news we did hear from Google was the June 16th 2009 announcement from Matt Cutts blog on PageRank sculpting where he discussed changes to how Google treats link juice when there are nofollow links. But that's another blog topic altogether so if you like you can read the full post here: pagerank-sculpting/ so it may be that the nofollow attribute has been rendered useless for sculpting PageRank. But then, PR sculpting was never really the intended function behind nofollow; it was merely convenient side effect.

humm... got this from SEO Gurus for his sons :)


ways to increase page rank and traffic

Well maybe for some of blogger or company website page rank and traffic so important coz it will bring visitors to their website or blog. Another purpose is to increasing product market. But sometimes it takes long time to working this. As we know the confensional way for increasing traffic and page rank is with exchange link, it worked for almost bloggers especialy for google indexing to crawling your website. Ya exchange link one with others, this way will help one with others website traffic, its like a symbiosis mutualism anyway. Perhaps this way is too confensional way but hell worked!! Maybe for a company website it is easy coz they can do with paid service.

Still same with exchange link but it with another way, you can submit your url site to the search engine submitter, it helped much for increasing SEO's traffic, well I'll tell you bout this way submitter for example. First you can submit directly to searc engine service, usualy they provide an url submitter inside the page, just like google, they have this free service that you can find at hmm but it takes time to submit one by one through the seach engine service like that, am I right? hmm well you can try this submit free submit1, free submit 2 [it worked for me anyway] especialy for alexa traffic rank. And then you can submit your web to website directory like DIGNOW, blogcatalog, technorati, digg, blogtoplist, bloghint, or linkref ..

Trully it worked, for example my new blog just need a couple a weeks to get page rank 3 and alexa from 20.000.000 up to 1.500.000. Well thats it for now, have a nice try :D


WordPress 2.8.1 Beta 2

For who using wordpress platform for blogging theres a new beta release which is version 2.8.1 Beta 2 and it claimed ready for testing. You can start to test through your webhosting and it can be download it here, you also can check out the major changes since beta 1, and review all tickets fixed in 2.8.1

Notable fixes in beta 2:

  • Translation of role names fixed
  • wp_page_menu() defaults to sorting by the user specified menu order rather than the page title
  • Upload error messages are now correctly reported
  • Autosave error experienced by some IE users is fixed
  • Styling glitch in the plugin editor fixed
  • SSH2 filesystem requirements updated
  • Switched back to curl as the default transport
  • Updated the translation library to avoid a problem with mbstring.func_overload
To see the detai you can visite their post here :

So if you are a wp plugin developer, you better check this out a.s.a.p to sincronize your scripting stability.


What is SEO ?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "natural" ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results. Typically, the earlier a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, and industry-specific vertical search engines. This gives a web site web presence.

As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work and what people search for. Optimizing a website primarily involves editing its content and HTML coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines.

The acronym "SEO" can also refer to "search engine optimizers," a term adopted by an industry of consultants who carry out optimization projects on behalf of clients, and by employees who perform SEO services in-house. Search engine optimizers may offer SEO as a stand-alone service or as a part of a broader marketing campaign. Because effective SEO may require changes to the HTML source code of a site, SEO tactics may be incorporated into web site development and design. The term "search engine friendly" may be used to describe web site designs, menus, content management systems and shopping carts that are easy to optimize.

Another class of techniques, known as black hat SEO or Spamdexing, use methods such as link farms and keyword stuffing that degrade both the relevance of search results and the user-experience of search engines. Search engines look for sites that employ these techniques in order to remove them from their indices.

grab from


First Posting

This is my first posting through this my new blogger, just wanna say big thanks for my big bro hendra for installing this template for me. This blog is just a media for me to get some learning exactly. But I'll share anything what I know here. Now a silly SEO place for hangout made, haha this blog also a tribute to my beloved son.

Well I hope this place will always glad to fill out my silly SEO note.


How To Makes Money Online For Dummies Like Me

Stop Dreaming Start Action, its just some kind of sharing how to makes money online right at the internet, ya Im not the expert but I had an experiences with this things, almost three years Im tryin this in the midle of my dailly activity. And this is not some kind of jokes from the bulls, its realy real makes money right through your pockete. Dont you feel interesting with that? wanna join to try some experience with online money? well, the first thing what you have to do is 'you've got a little intention and courageous' to try. Thats it? ya thats it for the first hehe...

Stop Dreaming!, Oke we'll try with some kind of dummy things to makes money, first of all you should create an e-mail, I thing everybody knows that, its easy and free (if you chose free email) just go to to sign up or go to its 100% free. This email needs to ferifying in the next step. So what next to do? now you can create a paypal account, this things is somekind of cyber bank, you need this to keep all of your income next. If you already made this paypal account you can follow me to get some extra experience. Theres alot of trusted provider who provide a gateway to money. but from the million of ways from makin money I'll suggested you to join some links such as moneylink1, moneylink2, moneylink3, moneylink4, moneylink5, moneylink6 its just a bit, you can join to signup for free, 100% no needs to pay anything. When you've done with signup just do follow the instructions from the moneylink provider inside your email. Usually after signup you need to activate confirmation inside your mailbox and then follow the instruction.

From the linkmoney I gave you upside, you've no needs to working hard, its just somekind of side job inside your daily activity. Hmm what you need is just  makes time for clicking and typing on your keyboard, thats all folks.

Have a nice try, Stop Dreaming Start Action :)


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