SEO Big Deal

Belajar SEO WordPress (WordPress SEO Learning) perhaps need some extra attention for newbie blogger like me but it it a consequences to handle and face the effect, whatever it good or bad. But in fact every body do on page and off page optimization to handle and keep result page on the good track. Whoa sometimes it takes time a lot  for blog sampah of course it more time consuming than it SERP's position, you need to working hard if you would beat the search engine especialy for SEO contest's keyphrase. But what I do right now is just continuing SEO Pingback a couple a days ago to build and get some fresh air to breathe.

Even it was and still so hard but I must fix some error on page (not this blog), tryin to clean up the messy codes on page and tryin with new themes with valid xhtml and css on it. Today my blog little bit up but still need a million fresh backlink to picking up the page with new title. Well I hope for a couple next days my page will back on track even I still do some belajar pingback for it.


Nova Imoet said...

ni nembak keyword apa????
ajarin seo dunk...

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