Belajar SEO what is this? humm this just a title with no special meaning but it will be a special means for my other blog, this post is just a little pinging for dyin' blog, I still can't understand what happened to my blog, there is no keyword more. Almost all keyphrase already dead. A couple a days ago Im tryin' to changed the title with
Belajar SEO WordPress, its just because that blog used wp for the platform and not because Im a master seo, hue I don't understand anything about what people called SEO. What I do is just give a little support for my self and my dying weblog.
Untill now I still figuring out what realy happened with that blog, even with new title my blog still not indexed by google search engine. Its hard for newbie like me to face this problem, I don't know if this problem arise just because I moved data center from US to Singapore, I don't know.
What I do know is just tryin and tryin to give him some pingback from some my dummy blog