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Samsung Galaxy Y memang menarik banyak pemerhati ponsel, tak hanya pemerhati kehadirannya menjadi salah satu primadona. Ponsel ini sendiri adalah kependekan dari Young atau muda. Jelas pasar utama dari handset ini adalah kalangan anak muda atau pengguna Android pemula yang ingin merasakan seperti apa OS 'robot hijau' ini. Tidak hanya bermain di pasar Android high end saja, Samsung agaknya tetap berkomitmen di pasar Android entry level. Belum lama ini, mereka mengeluarkan ponsel Android berharga murah, Samsung Galaxy Y.
Galaxy Y wujudnya memang mungil. Berukuran 104 x 58 x 11.5 mm dengan berat tidak mencapai 100 gram, ia tidak terlihat bongsor dan termasuk smartphone ringan dan praktis digunakan.
Ponsel ini dibekali baterai berkekuatan 1200 mAh Li-Ion. Dengan kapasitas itu, nampaknya cukup pas untuk menopang seluruh aktifitas yang akan dikerjakannya termasuk multitasking dan multimedia.
iPhone 4S Terbaru spesifikasi dan harga – iPhone 4S memang mempesona apalagi dengan tampilan yang ciamik dengan spesifikasi yang memukau namun tak sedikit yang merasa kecewa. Ada beberapa alasan konsumen membeli iPhone 4S. Dari laporan Foxbusiness dan Bloomberg, banyak yang ingin membeli iPhone 4S hanya karena ingin mengenang sosok Steve Jobs, inovator Apple yang meninggal dunia sehari setelah peluncuran iPhone 4S.

Tampaknya ini memang bukan hal yang mengherankan. Pasalnya, banyak pihak, termasuk para analis, sebenarnya kecewa dengan produk iPhone 4S. Kekecewaan ini terbukti dari hasil survei Retrevo. Dari sejumlah 1300 pemilik iPhone 4 yang ada di Amerika Serikat, 47% kecewa dengan iPhone 4S. Sebanyak 12% mengharapkan layar yang lebih besar, 21% mengharapkan desain lebih baik, dan 29% mengharapkan adanya fasilitas 4G.
Bagaimana dengan anda apakah masih tertarik untuk memiliki iPhone 4S terbaru ini?
Hanpdhone Terbaru 2011 memang memiliki banyak ragam, seperti kita ketahui setiap vendor selalu mengeluarkan seri dan jenis handphone terbaru dengan berbagai spesifikasi dan harganya yang menawan hati. Salah satu yang sangat signifikasn yakni dalam urusan spesifikasi, jika kita tinjau specs handphone terbaru selalu diwarnai dengan teknologi hardware paling mutakhir dan terkini.
Beberapa vendor memang terkesan seperti mengikuti atau mencontek jenis ragam vendor lainnya terlebih untuk handphone lokal atau cina yang beredar luas di masyarakat Indonesia, ya paling tidak itulah yang terjadi dalam perkembangan dunia informasi dan teknologi handphone terbaru kita ini.
Bagaimana menurut anda tentang fenomena Handphone Terbaru 2011 ini?
Kanker payudara adalah jenis kanker yang ditakuti kaum wanita. Di Inggris, satu dari delapan wanita mengidap kanker payudara dan akan terus bertambah jika tidak dilakukan usaha pencegahan sedini mungkin.Usaha-usaha pencegahan kanker payudara meliputi perubahan gaya hidup, menghindari pemicu dan mengkonsumsi nutrisi yang menghambat perkembangan sel kanker di dalam tubuh. Kanker payudara umumnya diderita oleh wanita pasca menopause yang ketika masih muda menjalani gaya hidup tidak sehat. Karena mencegah lebih baik daripada mengobati, maka usaha pencegahan terjadinya kanker payudara dikemudian hari seharusnya dimulai saat ini juga.
Berikut ini 10 tips mencegah kanker payudara yang direkomendasikan para dokter sebagaimana dikutip dari situs womenhealth:
• Memperbanyak konsumsi sayuran hijau.
• Membatasi mengkonsumsi daging merah.
• Hindari daging olahan.
• Melakukan aktifitas fisik secara aktif setiap hari selama 30 menit.
• Usahakan berat badan tetap ideal dan sehat.
• Mengurangi konsumsi gula.
• Makan 2 saji sayuran cruciferous dapat membantu mengatasi kadar estrogen berlebihan yang dikaitkan dengan kanker payudara.
• Kembang kol mengandung senyawa detoksifikasi anti kanker yang mengikat estrogen dan membantu mengeliminasi dari tubuh.
• Sel kanker menyukai zat gula, dengan olahraga secara teratur gula darah akan terbakar yang membuat sel kanker tidak mendapat nutrisi.
• Abaikan setiap muncul keinginan untuk mengkonsumsi gula, sebaiknya gunakan kayu manis untuk menstabilkan gula darah dalam tubuh secara alami.
Sampai hari ini penyebab kanker payudara secara pasti belum ditemukan tetapi secara umum para ahli medis sepakat bahwa gaya hidup, pola makan tidak sehat dan adanya 3 gen tertentu dalam tubuh yang menjadi penyebab kanker payudara. Karena itu pencegahan kanker payudara sebaiknya dilakukan dengan mengubah gaya hidup menjadi lebih sehat, mengurangi konsumsi daging, makan dengan waktu yang teratur dan aktif berolahraga. Semoga artikel diatas bermanfaat bagi sahabat SEO Bego
Penyanyi dangdut yang kini banyak dibicarakan orang, Ayu Ting Ting memang terkenal karena gayanya yang khas. Ketika banyak penyanyi dangdut berbusana seksi, Ayu Ting Ting bergaya seperti penyanyi K-Pop (Korea Pop). Alasan Ayu Ting Ting bergaya seperti penyanyi K-Pop selain ia sangat suka dengan lagu-lagu Korea, Ayu Ting Ting ingin dangdut bisa diterima generasi muda sekarang ini.
"Memang dibikin seperti ini, dan maunya seperti ini. biar bisa diterima sama anak-anak remaja juga. Suka ngambil inspirasi pakaian-pakaian mereka yang unik,"ujar Ayu Ting Ting di acara goyang penuh cinta, studio MNCTV, Jum'at (13/10/2011) dini hari. Selain berpenampilan seperti artis Korea, ternyata Ayu Ting Ting sering membawakan lagu-lagu Korea, seperti lagu No Bodies dari Wonder Girls. Rencananya Ayu Ting Ting juga ingin belajar bahasa Korea.
"Rencananya malah ingin ambil les bahasa Korea. Kalau koleksi film dan musik juga ada, gayanya nggak ngebosenin, tetep asik,"ungkap Ayu Ting Ting. Ayu pun tak ingin bergoyang seksi seperti penyanyi dangdut lainnya. Penyanyi lagu Alamat Palsu itu lebih memilih menari seperti para penyanyi Korea.
"Aku gak punya ngoyangan yang macem-macem, tapi suka ngedance. Kalau korea itu kan pop, sedangkan aku dangdut, tapi aku pengen dangdut bisa diterima dimana aja,"jelas Ayu Ting Ting. source:
Handphone Terbaru akan kembali mengawali postingan curhat keil-kecilan di blog jablay ini, sekedar melanjutkan postingan sebelumnya yang berjudul resep kue kering ala budak bego made in bandoeng. Handphone Terbaru mungkin saja menjadi incaran dan perhatian sahabat-sahabat yang gila akan informasi secara handy. Nah jika saja iya, sahabat bisa cekidot beberapa jenis handphone teranyar keluaran anyar pula di blog tetangga.
Untuk sementara ini ya inilah yang saya bisa berikan, menunggu sejenak pergerakan nilai-nilai hasil mesin pencari dan real time scoring yang mulai diterapkan sang raja se. Saya rasa ini udah lebih dari 160 karakter, jika lebih ya silahkan dikurangi dan jika kurang silahkan ditambahkan.
Cekidot saja blog tetangga dengan label seperti yang ada di judul ini, semoga menjadi salah satu referensi bagi sahabat seobego.
Resep Kue Kering Terbaru ragam dan variasinya begitu banyak apalagi di media online, setiap hari referensi resep kue kering bertambah, menu sajian dengan resep kue kering setiap hari menjamur begitu pula dengan bertambahnya chef master dadakan seperti halnya chef master yang mengutil artikel-artikel lama dan diperbaharui menjadi sesuatu yang sepertinya seperti paling baru padahal bukanlah original kreasi mereka.
Chef online begitulah mungkin yang pas dipanggil, chef deden bahkan mungkin kalah pamor dengan chef seo master yang hanya berbekal koleksi social bookmarking dengan menggunakan metode makros, auto submitter dlsb yang bisa membuat chef nampak seperti chef master seo unggulan.
Maaf oot, ini hanyalah sedikit curhat yang bukan curhat colongan dari blog orang, bilang saja ini adalah curhat yang bukan curhat chef, ini adalah curhat pribadi belaka namun tanpa rekayasa heuheu.
Jang Dong Gun Biography: Jang Dong Gun is the actor and musician from South Korea. He spent his childhood in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, and then continue their studies to the Korean National University of Arts, but unfortunately he was dropped out of college. He made his debut in the MBC drama titled OUR HEAVEN. He successfully won the Actor Award in the Blue Dragon Awards for his role as a police model in NOWHERE TO HIDE. In 2000, he starred in the film FRIEND, who at that time became the best-selling Korean film of all time. Jang received widespread critical acclaim for his role as a school student who joined the mafia. In 2004, he starred in a film titled TAEGUKGI: The Brotherhood of WAR, which at the same time to pave the way for him to be a star. The film is about the Korean War once again managed to break box office records.
Recently elected to the promoter Jang Nintendo DS Lite in South Korea which was released in January 2007. These ads promote the Home Training: Have Fun Improving Your Skills! and Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!. Jang was married to Ko So-young in a star-studded wedding ceremony held at the Hotel Shilla in Seoul on May 2. Marriage is an end to their courtship that has existed for 18 months. See more Celebrity Biography.
Jackie Chan Death Died 2011. Again, appears dead celebrity news. After the issue of Mick Jagger's death, today's news emerged Jackie Chan died of a heart attack. But when traced to Jackie Chan's official site was not found information about the grief the news. Last Activity Jackie namely on March 24, in which Jackie participated to help victims of natural disasters Japan.
Spreading of the news about Chan died because of news that was published on a site that mentions that Jackie Chan died of a heart attack in care at a hospital in Los Angeles, United States. Seobego wanna say this just another silly hoax news for april fools day.
Bee Gees Vocalist Almost Killed: One of the singers music group Trio 'Bee Gees' Robin Gibb was rushed to hospital due to stomach pain to incapacitate. Friends and family until wary of the health condition of Robin, worried that his health crisis similar to that experienced by twin Maurice, who died 7 years ago.
"The similarity with the tragic death of Maurice are very scary, all the people praying there is nothing in their genes, which make the twins were susceptible to something that can be deadly," said a source who quoted from Femalefirst. Friday (09/03/2010). Maurice had a heart attack during emergency surgery repair a blockage in his intestines in January 2003.
The first time was taken to hospital last August 10, Robin condition is now slowly improving. "(The incident) luckily was at home, and doctors are still examining the results of medical tests,"concludes the source. If you wanna take a look bio celebs just feel free to browse Celebrity Biography.
Honda Posts Record Sales in Year 2010: Today we will lil bit give you some Latest Car News. Year 2010 PT Honda Prospect Motor Indonesia has recorded the highest sales record in Indonesia is 61,336 units with a market share of 8 percent. Japanese car manufacturer, Honda, has increased in every model and type sold in Indonesia. With class SUV as a market leader with a market share of 36 percent gain 16,961 units increased 68 percent compared to the year 2009.
For the class of MPV, the Honda Freed posted sales of 13,500 units with a market share of 13 percent and 52 percent increase over the previous year. While the sedan and the small sedan segment, Honda City and Honda Civic won sales figures for 3581 units and 2357 units, each experienced an increase in the appeal last year by 42% and 40%.
While the Honda Accord in medium sedan segment recorded sales of 1736 units in 2010 with 26% market share, a year before only reached 666 units.
Jersey Shore Season 3 Episode 4 recaps review and watch online Jersey Shore on MTV channels. Leftover tension from Miami spills over to Seaside when unresolved issues among the girls explode on the first night. Snooki gets arrested for public intoxication, and sparks fly when J-Woww runs into an old flame.
Jersey Shore uncovers sometimes surprising, often hilarious and usually over-the-top personalities as they juggle work, love, nightlife, friendship and the drama that ensues. Jersey Shore Season 3 Episode 4.
Justin Bieber Syphilis Rumors: Young singer whose name is again shining Justin Bieber, back to being the material universe derision on the internet these last few weeks. Last month, for example, a posting on the site 4Chan led all searches into the sentence Justin Bieber suffered from syphilis. This then makes it occupies the top of the list of hot searches on Google Trends.
A few days later, news of Bieber became a chat, after his name was mentioned as the most awaited performers in North Korea. A poll came up with questions about which countries should be visited again the Canadian singer was on a concert tour of "My World Tour". Well, many users choose website imageboard 4chan North Korea. Every day, the more it is suggested Bieber concert in the country. Until now, there were nearly half a million votes Bieber to hold a concert in the communist country.
The poll ended on July 7 2010 that surprisingly put North Korea's position in the first place, having previously been the position of the 24th and the far left of Israel. The emergence of North Korea as countries where the concert Bieber, may be a derision directed to that country because considered too close themselves with things that smell concert from overseas. Biber Those who choose to perform there, probably also not the North Koreans themselves, given full state control of media, including Internet access for its citizens. So most likely no vote coming from that country. Told the BBC News, a spokesman for the North Korean Embassy in London that all requests for tours should be directed to their representatives at the United Nations, "although a final decision depends on Pyongyang," the spokesman said.
True Legend Watch Movie Online - Su Qi-Er (Man Cheuk Chiu) was a wealthy man who lived in the Qing Dynasty. Wealth is clearly the target of many people who wanted to take over his property. Not a few who would do evil to destroy Su Qi-er with all sorts of ways. To ensure this plan is successful, a conspiracy was designed. Finally, Su Qi-Er also successfully vilified and all the wealth out. The man who originally rich in the blink of an eye it lost all his property. Fortunately Yuan Ying (Xun Zhou), his wife, remains faithful to accompany Su Qi-Er even though her husband has fallen into poverty and became a beggar. Losing all that he had made Su Qi-Er a smoldering grudge.
Su Qi-Er and then dedicated his life to learn kung fu and eventually managed to rise, not as a millionaire as before, but as a powerful warrior. Su Qi-Er then choose to become beggars while fighting crime and injustice around him. He became known as King of Beggars. Legend of the King of Beggars is not a new story. TRUE LEGEND At least this is the third film in order to analyze the life story of the famous swordsman with a magical moment that drunk. But do not compare this film with his Drunken MASTER KING OF Jackie Chan or Stephen Chow's Beggars her because it seems from the third film is TRUE LEGEND is going to be the worst.
Actually, if only for mere entertainment, there's nothing wrong with this TRUE LEGEND. Story idea offered is quite simple. The flow of the story is also easy to understand and certainly a lot of fight scenes ala Hong Kong movie that will certainly spoil the eye. But if you expect to get satisfaction from the power flow of the story, acting and characterizations are strong, maybe the movie is not the right choice. Yuen Woo-Ping, the director, it still presents excellent martial arts film, this time fighting scenes seem too forced, so inevitably appear dull impression. Nothing stands out well from the side acting as Michelle Yeoh appears only briefly and can not do much for the movie. What's worse, Yuen Woo-Ping did not seem hesitant to jump into the future so that the formation of character so weak, and consequently there is no strong bond between the characters with the audience. You can watch movies online on related website that provide any kind of services.
Secret Garden Episode 19 Eng Sub Online we can watch together hand in hand with our beloved people. Secret Garden will be on air January 15, 2010. Well, this episode is an awesome episode that we can not skip. This episode is the episode that we must watch together, however to see a continuation of the previous episode we must come together to watch this episode.
Is episode 19 this is the end of the episode Korean drama Secret Garden? I guess this is not the last episode, but to answer whether or not this last episode of course, we must find the answers by watching this episode.
If you feel curious about what will happen in this episode, it helps us see together. Do not miss to watching this Secret Garden Episode 19 with SEO Bego right on January 15, 2010.