Kontes Mencari Blogpreneur Sejati

Wah ada kontes seo lagi yak? katanya ini khusus newbie nih...

Ya mungkin anda sudah tidak lagi asing dengan kata Mencari Blogpreneur Sejati, banyak  kita temui di website ataupun blog-blog di tanah air kita dari mulai blog formal, blog iklan sampai blog kacang goreng yang ditebar diseluruh penjuru dunia maya. Jangan heran kenapa kata Mencari Blogpreneur Sejati banyak ditemukan, seperti pernah saya katakan Kontes SEO sedang marak di Indonesia. Namun kontes yang satu ini pantas diacungi jempol karna membawa kosakata baru yaitu Blogpreneur yang saya rasa kata ini masih belum ada di dalam kamus bahasa, coba silahkan cek kamus versi terbaru sekalipun :D

Apakah hanya itu yang membuat kontes yang ini patut disimak? ya tentu saja tidak, jika anda mencoba menyelami apa makna dibalik kata kunci Mencari Blogpreneur Sejati pasti anda akan setuju dengan saya, coba saja pecah kata tersebut menjadi Mencari Blogpreneur, Blogpreneur, Blogpreneur Sejati. Ya tentunya setiap orang punya penafsiran berbeda-beda, sangat wajar bila kita berbeda menafsirkan apa dibalik makna Mencari Blogpreneur Sejati.

emang iya ya khusus untuk newbie kayak yang punya blog ini?


Daily Stop Dreaming Start Action

Stop Dreaming Start Action may not weird in our ear late of this month, Stop Dreaming Start Action is a SEO contest held by Mr Joko Susilo, if we observe carefully the SEO contest, this is the most prestigious SEO contest than the two other in Indonesia. At the beginning, Im not too understand SEO and I really do have so enthusiastic to learn this, but after seeing some of any posts in several blogs humm it so attracted me to join. Especially after I try to access the page with keyword Stop Dreaming Start Action, the first time is still less so unrealized but after some time the fact that what my friends say is true ..

a very drastic fluctuations

If you accessing the google SERP, the results of the first page that the entry of big 10, the fluctuation is quite significant. Today the results can change day to day is different-the previous day. Hmm unfortunately I do about this contest in the last laps, can be very late if you want to penetrate in the big 10, but at least I support bloggers to participate in this great contest. In a contest of which there are less and also have a win yet, and whoever the winner is clearly he is eligible to get one. Keep on fighting!, start action! Stop Dreaming Start Action!


WordPress 2.8.4 Security Release

Today WordPress relese a new version, WordpRess 2.8.4. Matt say :

Yesterday a vulnerability was discovered: a specially crafted URL could be requested that would allow an attacker to bypass a security check to verify a user requested a password reset. As a result, the first account without a key in the database (usually the admin account) would have its password reset and a new password would be emailed to the account owner. This doesn’t allow remote access, but it is very annoying.

We fixed this problem last night and have been testing the fixes and looking for other problems since then. Version 2.8.4 which fixes all known problems is now available for download and is highly recommended for all users of WordPress.

Well a great job for WordPress team, fixed the security hole as fast as they can. So to those who using a WordPress as a self-hosted platform, you better hurry up to upgrade as soon as posible to patch the security.

WordPress Version 2.8.4 can be download here 

If you wanna see the WordPress antusias pingback, you can go directly to WordPress Security Relese.

Keep on the good work team :D


Traffic Tactics That Won’t Cost You a Cent

Are you constantly banging your head in frustration on not receiving all the internet traffic you would like to get to your web site? Are you tormented from information overload listening to all the latest free website traffic tactics and not being able to understand any of it? Are you dejected of people trying day and night to harassing you to max out your credit card and get loans for Google clicks, and in the process loose your credit score? Are you stupefied by the way your website just dropped out of the Google search results? Or are you just too broke and all you have to rely on is getting some free website traffic tactics?

You can employ website traffic tactics without spending dime. However, knowing how is the real deal. Here’s the score:

1. Link It

Of all the effective website traffic tactics that can get you best results, linking to and from other websites is the one of the most widely-used method. Just make sure that the Internet business you are exchanging links with is relatively if not utterly related to your own business. And of course, don’t overkill as this might ban you from search engines.

2. Meet Meta Tags

Another way of to acquire your desired traffic for your website is through having your Meta tags contain usually used keywords that target your business. Meta tags help search engines in describing your web page. If you’re quite adept with the HTML aspect of your web pages, manipulating your meta tags would be a breeze.

3. Keyword-rich AND sensible content

Writing or acquiring articles that provide solid information regarding your business is one of the best ways. Making use of free keyword suggestion tools such as Overture will help you on which keyword or phrases to work on to better lead more traffic to your website. Making these write-ups very readable and genuinely informative will make you many repeat visitors to subsequently become repeat clients.

Submitting these articles to various article directory listings will provide more visibility for your business as long as you keep your resource box in tact to create for yourself numerous back links.

These methods, if employed properly, will not only make your web site popular but will make you achieve your most desirable result – higher conversion rate.


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